Hurry! This Special Code Expires...


Have Questions?

Have Questions?

“Try Just ONE of these 6 Scaling Strategies, and if it doesn’t ROI… I’ll give you 2.5x what you invest in it”

  • Code: “Q2” Discount Applied, and I’ll even pay you $122 to try this out.
  • Plus: 3 Bonuses, a Triple guarantee, 2.5x ROI Promise…
  • Double Plus: Scaling Audit call for free...

Total Value:  $396 

Q2 Seasonal Offer: $29!

(P.S. - It’s just 13 cents a day. Tax deductible 💪)

Listen to what our clients have to say...

Kyle Hit a New Sales Record Working With Us - 60k/month!

Jason Talks About Working 1on1 With Us To ConsistentlyGrow His Membership

Dear (Facebook™) Advertiser,

IOS 14 to IOS 71?

Will it EVER end?

Will I EVER get ROI?

Is it even possible to scale?

These are all amazing questions... that literally nobody has the answer to. 

So it’s the purpose of the following certification offer to explain to any advertiser who takes the time to read it…

HOW to get control of your ad account back…

HOW to normalize the new advertising playing field…

And HOW to ensure profitability year after budget increased year. 

You in?

If you are, then read on... 

Because you’ll find two things on this page. 

Firstly → The A-Z of how we scale accounts on an otherwise bleak and miserable advertising platform… that doesn’t want you to scale. 

Secondly → If the A-Z outline makes sense to you, I’d like you to invite you into a Certification Offer that my team and I are beta testing right now. 

You get all the benefit of us, ALL the benefit of scale, and a ridiculous deal just to try it out. 

In fact, I’m waging you’ll love this so much…

I’ve decided to put 2.5x my money on it. 

You either try the material and offer you see here on this page…

And if you don’t see the scale you want… you’ll receive 2.5x your money back. 

“Makes Scaling Easy, in the Deadliest Season to do it”.

DISCOUNT: "Q2" Applied



ACTIVATE: Triple Guarantee

ACTIVATE: 2.5X Money Back ROI

ACTIVATE: Scaling Implementation Bonus

ACTIVATE: Discount "Q2" Applied

But let’s jump into some real talk.
Hey, so...

You *Definitely* Don't Have 
Scaling Problems, Amigo.

Let me explain. Scaling problems aren’t scaling problems… they’re budget problems. 

They’re strategy problems. And they’re funnel problems. 

This is just what we call the “architecture of scaling”. 

So if you’ve ever tried to take an account from $1k per day to $3k per day in spend and results tanked... you have an architecture problem... even though it looks and feels like a scaling problem. 

So allow me to run through a few small questions and scenarios:

  • Do you have a ‘quota’ of tests you run every week, come hell or high water?
  • Do you have specific days of the week when you test?
  • Are you spending less than 5 hours per week on testing?
  • ​Are you getting a 50% or higher success rate with your tests?
  • ​​Do you know exactly what you need to test (copy, creative, audience, offer, etc.) + why?

If you answered NO to any of these questions, I’ll triple guarantee your scaling problems are coming from poor optimizations of the funnels you NEED in your business..

The Answer?

3. Little. Shifts. 
But *DON’T* test the wrong one...

See, depending on the stage of scale and account management you’re at…

It’s make or break. 

ESPECIALLY in Q2. And especially with consistent iOS updates. 

It’s simple. We want an increase in the following areas:

  • Your ROAS
  • Your Testing Budget
  • (obviously) Your Total Profit

In fact, if you could get a 25% lift in each of these 3 little areas above, and HEY presto, we’ve doubled your business. 

(25 * 1.25^³ = 95.61%... so basically double. That’s the power of compounding numbers. Thanks Uncle Warren). 

The *Actual* Truth…

But HOW?

Here’s how to scale right… every time!

  • ROAS.

ROAS feeds Budget which feeds Profit.

It’s too easy to think that SCALE comes from more budget, right?

  • Sure, you could have the deepest pockets on the planet — Zuck level pockets 👉 — but if we’re not making any profit… who cares?
  • We could be making profit, but if the ROAS isn’t there… then there’s ZERO increase in ad ROI.
  • Can’t get ROI on ads? Then you’re literally stuck at that profit and budget level.

It used to be a trap. 

And when you throw in iOS changes, competition, compliance, funnels, Day Zero profitability… it. just. gets. harder. 

Instead, we found a way out. 

It’s not for everyone.

But it is everything we’ve found that’s needed to scale, right.

Total Side Note, But…

Your Time and Resources aren’t unlimited. 

So you must choose what to test.

  • What should you test first?
  • How should you test it?
  • Is it even worth testing?

If a change takes 40 hours to implement and $50,000 to test and has the ability to improve performance by 1%... should you really build it?

Yet if a test took 1 hour to implement, $150 to test, and could improve your overall account performance by 25%... shouldn't you test that immediately?

So Here’s what we’ve found that works FASTEST.

Use This When Everyone Else LOSES ROI...

Yet you’re more profitable, buffered with more margin, and More chance to scale

Take a look at the image below, and really study it. 

In fact, read these words with me because I’m going to walk through our entire protocol from A-Z. 
You’ll see that ROAS, Budget, and Profit is ALL accounted for - like we’ve spoken about.

Yet you’ll see that they’re achieved by certain inputs into your business: 






This Is Where We Get Into The “Meat N Potatoes” 
Of Scaling 

This Is Where We Get Into The “Meat N Potatoes” Of Scaling 

Scaling isn’t just your ad account. It’s not just about your funnel. And it’s not just about budget.

It’s achieved with the following formula: 
  • Testing == Structure + Audiences
  • ​Funnel == Backend + AOV Bumps
  • Strategy == Creative + Margin
Essentially we can now agree on the following:
“If I focus on: Testing, Funnel, and Strategy…
I get an increased ROAS ⬆, a growing Budget ⬆, and more Profit ⬆.”

“If I focus on: Testing, Funnel, and Strategy… I get an increased ROAS ⬆, a growing Budget ⬆, and more Profit ⬆.”

Each of these needs to be in sync with each other. But that’s the best part.

Whilst that may sound difficult to achieve, it’s not. 

That’s because they actually feed each other. 

  • It’s difficult NOT to get a return on ads when everything works.
  • ​It’s difficult NOT to keep more profit when your ROAS is going up.
  • ​It’s difficult NOT to spend more as your budget is profitably increasing. 
This principle is something we call the “Account Trifecta.”
Now here’s the deal. You likely already spend an hour per day inside ads manager, right?

So Be Warned

When you use the “Account Trifecta,” don’t be alarmed when ya suddenly find your ad account taking OFF 🚀

Tactical Testing is achieved by:

  • Focused Account Structures
  • Focused Audience Testing

Insane Funnel Growth is achieved by::

  • AOV Price Elasticity Tactic
  • Structured Backend Offer Promos

Big Business Strategy is achieved by:

  • Tweaking Creative for max CVR%
  • Focusing on hidden margin bumps

Simply focus on these the next time you’re in ads manger…

→ Testing leads you to more ROAS…

→ Funnel growth leads you to more budget…

→ Strategy leads you to more profit

Then more...

→ ROAS leads to Scale

→ Budget leads to Scale

→ Strategy leads to Scale

And it all happens at the same time, feeding each other. 

Here's what we believe: fundamentals beat out "hacks" every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

The truth is that running wildly profitable Facebook Ads is not really that hard. It's pretty simple actually. We need to match a great creative with a great audience, and offer them a great product.

But the devil is in the details.
  • When should you test new ads?
  • Are you facing audience fatigue?
  • Should you try new lookalike audiences?
  • ​How about interests?
  • ​Should you change your landing page entirely?

Human error and emotion cause more wasted ad spend than so-called "Facebook Ads volatility".
When novice advertisers have a bad day of performance, they turn everything off, freak out, fix the wrong problems, then cry themselves to sleep.

When advanced advertisers have a bad day of performance, they analyze what went wrong, regroup, and fix the real problem.

That's why we have built out the testing academy.

We have made every single mistake in the book (believe it or not, no, we aren't perfect).

And we're here to save the day and stop you from wasting more money on ads. Yes, we all wear capes.

Our goal is to make scaling Facebook Ads as simple as humanly possible.

Because that's when performance is best and most consistent.

Want to see what I mean? 
🚷 Wait, Let’s See It?

“Account Trifecta” in Action...

$6.8 million in annual revenue to $10.2 million in annual revenue in one year of working together....
Here’s what we need to focus on though. They were stalled. 

They’d hit $6.8 million in revenue the year prior to working with us.

They’d “scaled,” but thought the ship had sank. ESPECIALLY when we look at their account:

It was war-torn → With no structure, organization, and process. 

The funnels were a mess. Testing was a mess. Budget was going nowhere. ROAS was plummeting. There was no strategy other than discounts and deals. 

They were hemorrhaging spend, hitting diminishing profits, and lackluster budgets…

Fast-forward one year after we worked with them to implement a better advertising process, and here are the results:

We’re back in business, with scale being the name of the game.

We’re up an extra $3.3 million (49% increase) in a year.

And the best part? We just applied a few elements from the “Account Trifecta” and were off to the (scaling) races.

Creative tweaks + Account tweaks + Budget tweaks + Funnel tweaks, and here we are:

So why not you?


The 4080 Scaling Academy™


Listen up. If CPM’s rising, AOV dropping, and non-profitable funnels are the bane of your life...

This is the answer we’ve been waiting for. 

This is the only training of it’s kind -- vetted with over $35 million in yearlypersonal ad spend -- to factor in everything that’s truly needed to scale. 

My ultimate goal with this?

Is that you if you could live 100 lives, and you used this framework in all 100, that in at least 99 of them… you scale. 

Every. Single. Time.

Check out what our clients have to say about us:


I believe this is the *New (and only) Way* to Repeatedly Scale 

(and Maximize Dollar and Cent… Spent!)

Plus, I’ll even guarantee it ☝️. In fact, I’ll triple guarantee it. 

That’s because this is the only protocol of it’s kind to go beyond your ad account. And look into:

  • Your Funnel which optimizes massive budget increases
  • Your Ad testing strategy which optimizes a growing ROAS
  • ​Your Business Strategy which rejigs your margins for a cash influx.

And here’s how we’ll do it together:

Module 1
Introduction to Testing
$47 Value
  • Why having a testing framework is an absolute requirement for profitably scaling Facebook Ads
  • The theory behind testing… and what 99% of marketers get wrong
  • Your “perfect ads day” framework, and the activities you need to do, when you need to do them on a weekly basis. All in under 5 hours per week
  • A step-by-step walkthrough of the testing procedure of one of our 8 figure clients
Module 2
Budgeting & Testing Planning
$79 Value
  • Why testing too much is just as dangerous as not testing enough
  • ​The formula that tells you how much to spend on testing, how many tests you should run, and for how long (this completely eliminates the guesswork)
  • ​How to bulletproof your testing KPIs.. and the one easily misinterpreted metric that will cause you to bleed ad spend

Module 3
 Audience Testing
$66 Value
  • What most advertisers get completely wrong about audiences (hint: it’s really tough to burnout an audience)
  • We reveal why “audience hacks” are complete BS.. and what really gets ROAS
  • ​How we’re able to never run out of new audiences to test

Module 4
Creative Testing
$57 Value
  • We go over the “Hit Ad” framework and show you how to have your ideal customer clicking within seconds
  • We show you how to eliminate account-wide ad fatigue... forever
  • ​We’ll reveal our process of knowing exactly what to test, and when. The easiest way to tank an account is to test the wrong thing
  • ​​Why creative testing is the lifeblood of profitable scaling
Module 5
 Scale Testing
$66 Value
  • A deep dive into CBO scaling, analysis, and optimization
  • A deep dive into ABO scaling, analysis, and optimization
  • ​Finally answered: CBO or ABO for scale? (You must pick one)
  • ​The three tiers of risk when scaling an adset, and the amounts you should *not* increase by

Module 6
Funnel Testing
$66 Value
  • It’s the C_ _ _ T _ _ _ that scales, not your ads
  • How, when, and where to scale the entire funnel
  • ​When testing your funnel, it’s your _______ that fatigue first. (< understand this and you’ll always scale your winners)
  • ​​How to actually run ads to each piece of your funnel (NOT just one product)
Module 7
 Backend Testing
$66 Value
  • Introducing: Retention Funnels™
  • The #1 thing needed to continually scale: O_ _ _ _ s (and how to get more of them)
  • ​Exactly where and when you can massively increase customer retention and lifetime value
  • ​How to pick the perfect upsell and cross-sell

  • Bonus 1: Budgeting spreadsheet - helps you hit your monthly revenue targets
  • Bonus 2: Avatar Worksheet - to know exactly who your target audience is
  • Bonus 3: Ads manager dashboard setup - helps you read the data more easily
  • Bonus 4: Complimentary call with one of our advisors

Here’s Everything You Now Own inside the Scaling Academy™

 $249 80% OFF

Typically we’re spending our time going partnering directly with clients at high fees.

Some budget %. Some ROAS %. Some revenue shares. 

We run the gamut. However we know that not everyone can afford to work with us. 

That’s why we set out to package our findings into a repeatable, scalable package…

One that works in 99 lifetimes out of 100. But a quick question. 

Would it be worth a 5 or 6-figure investment to you - to work with us?

You’ve seen BIG revenue numbers with BIG budgets, still growing by multiple millions, with more profitability added… and a ton of future trajectory. 

That too is easily plugged into your business.

So a 5 or 6 figure investment seems… reasonable.

But today, that same effect doesn’t even need to come with a 4 figure price tag. 

In fact, add everything up and we can see the value is easily worth $249 today. 

However it’s “that” time of year - Q2.

Q2 Scaling Academy Offer: Expires 

“Makes Scaling Easy, in the Deadliest Season to do it”.

DISCOUNT: "Q2" Applied



ACTIVATE: Triple Guarantee

ACTIVATE: 2.5X Money Back ROI

ACTIVATE: Scaling Implementation Bonus

ACTIVATE: Discount "Q2" Applied


I’ve done something special here.

To provide this solution market wide, a unique discount code (“Q2”) has been applied to your order. It’s only open for Q2 launch, so move fast. 

But importantly, it brings the investment of scaling with ease, feeling safe in your ad account, and building a more resilient (profitable) business…

To a measly $29 bucks. (That’s 80% off).

That’s less than 3 books on Amazon (btw a 9 hour+ read)... it’s less than the cost of an average phone bill… it’s less than the cost of...

Well, ya get it. If you can spot the opportunity here... then click or tap on the green button below now. 

(P.S. - It’s just 13 cents a day. Tax deductible 💪)

But it doesn’t end there. Because I’m going to make sure this is the single best investment any entrepreneur will make. 

So here’s the start of probably the most daring guarantee in history...

(Part One of Three Guarantees) 

Unconditional, Iron-Clad, Certified,  
No-Questions-Asked, 100% Guarantee
…for LIFE

This is actually a triple part guarantee (the rest will be uncovered later). 

This first part is simple. Just test out Scale Academy™, and in the unlikely event you’re not satisfied with the changes in your account structure, the ROI from the funnel structure, OR margins haven’t increased...

Simply message support inside the portal -- or at [email protected] and the investment of $29 will be returned immediately. 

And with a lifetime, there’s more than enough time to test this out :)

So don’t wait, let’s get started today:

Seen that, but still want to hear about how this personally worked?

Well don’t take my word, or my guarantee for it. Just hear from these entrepreneurs instead:

Supplements Brand Makes $521k In One Month With 3.54 ROAS

Online Doctor Visits & Prescriptions Brand Generates $402k In One Month

Again, I have one goal on this page. 

To overdeliver, and add as much as I can… in a market and environment that is giving you nothing. So here’s...

8 More Ways to Scale Ads, Build Account Resilience and stop worrying you’ll ever get shut down...

With $147 of total value you now own, firstly I’m sending over…

Double Your Account Efficiency
($49 Value)

Ever wondered how big teams and elite ad buyers set up their ad accounts to perfection? 

Wonder no more…

We’re gonna work through how to get fast and efficient in two crucial areas:

  • Reading data (fast)
  • Interpreting data (fast)
  • Acting on data (fast)

So here’s two things we’ll work through in this session:

1️⃣ Builds a “2 Second Data Pulse” → How to open ANY ad account or campaign, and know the trend within 2 seconds (and trains your whole team on this)

2️⃣ The spreadsheets you should ignore, and the one spreadsheet you should use to scale (scrap everything else)

THEN, I’ve added in…

Budgeting Masterclass
($49 Value)

Aka the thing everybody does wrong, nobody knows how to approach, and everyone overspends on. 

This is all about simple planning. But it’s something you understand once, and ROI for the rest of time with.

Specifically, we’ll cover:

3️⃣ “Elephant Budgets” and chunking down the budget to the best ROI. Plus, the time frame scaling really takes...

4️⃣ “BHAG Revenue Targets” and how to plan for each and every step

5️⃣ Exact budgets you should set aside for testing and scaling, including automatic (done for you) spreadsheets. 

(P.S. - It’s just 13 cents a day. Tax deductible 💪)

And finally, I’ve bolted on…

iOS Survival Kit
($49 Value)

6️⃣ 3 Things you need to get dialed in: A_ _ + C_ R + _ T V → Nail a balance between these 3, and our budget can go down, yet profit goes through the roof. 

7️⃣ Funnels that do (and don’t) work, TOF ad mastery, attribution in a blackout, AOV Bumps, Bundling, Club Offers and much, much more.

Wait! We already agreed Scaling Academy™ is Worth at LEAST $29 (Guaranteed) by itself… Right?

Then add in:

  • Double Your Account Efficiency → $49
  • Budgeting Masterclass → $49
  • iOS Survival Kit → $49

So let’s add all this up:

  • Scaling Academy™ (one-off purchase) →  $249  → $49
  • Double Your Account Efficiency → $49
  • Budgeting Masterclass → $49
  • ​iOS Survival Kit → $49

Total Package Value $396 

80% “Q2” Discount Applied:

Again, my only goal is to make this as incredible as possible. 

Especially when it’s:

29 / 30 = $0.96 per day this month

29 / 52 = $0.56 cents per week over the next year

29 / 365 = $0.08 cents per day over the next year

But that’s not enough. I’m going to go even further to convince you this is the best 13 cents you’ll ever spend in your life...

My Double, Then Tripled Guarantee 
of Everything Available on this Page

There’s already a Lifetime Guarantee, available as a Scaling Academy™ buyer right here. That’s just the standard I play by…

But I want to take it to the next level, and make this simply the best deal available on the market - from one team of ad buyers, to another. 

I truly believe nobody else can or will teach, OR deliver what I can right here… for only $29 tiny bucks…

But I’ll put our own time and dollars on the line, as you’re about to see…

(Part Two of Three Guarantees) 

“Double and then Some Guarantee” - 
This Either Profits, or I Pay 2.5x Back...

Yup, that’s right. 

Again in the extremely unlikely event that Scaling Academy™ doesn’t make TOFU profitable, pull profit back into your budget, and put equity back into your pocket...

Show me everything you applied down the funnel. I’m talking:

  • Filling out our Scaling Academy™ spreadsheets
  • ​Watching the Scaling Academy™ modules
  • Applying Scaling Academy™ methods

That’s it. Not a ton of work. Just show me some implementation. 

And in that extremely unlikely event it doesn’t work, you’ll receive 2.5x the investment back. 


$29 * 2.5 = $72.50 dollars. 

That’s physically paid out of the 4080 Marketing company, back to you, simply because as an ad buyer and CEO, I care about your time and results too. 

I believe that’s fair, and I hope you agree. 

But still, we’re going to push the envelope of what makes a truly good deal here. Here’s the 3rd part...

(Part Three of Three Guarantees) 

We’ll even put our team’s time ($784/hour) on the line

Why $784?

Labor x hours x revenue = $784. 

That’s the value of every single employee in 4080 Marketing’s time. 

Time is valuable. And it’s another way of showing you that I, we, 4080 Marketing value your effort and time as much as ours. 

So you’ll receive access to a complementary audit in any circumstance. 

But going deeper, it means that if you’re reading this and still on the fence…

Wondering if something will change with the platform, if there’s still one “tweak” to make, or if it’s just a matter of time until things get better…

It won’t. 

The changes we’ve experienced are here to stay, and frankly the platform(s) will only get worse. 

Whilst that’s bad news for 98% of ad buyers…

(The other 1% are investor backed with deep pockets)
(1% are reading this)

It means you don’t have to wait. You can simply try the Scaling Academy™ methods today with nothing to lose. 

In fact…

About 4080 Marketing:

  • ​We've personally worked hand-in-hand with over 400 clients to help them scale their Facebook Ads
  • ​​We consult with over $30 million per year in ad spend
  • ​​Have directly generated over $100 million in client revenue
  • ​We are at the Preferred level of Facebook Ads Partners
  • ​Have worked with clients that have been featured on Shark Tank, Harvard Business Review, Allure, Forbes, and more

How we can GUARANTEE you ROI on the purchase of this product.

Most of our clients that use our testing framework generate hundreds of times ROI on their investment, but let’s go through the worst case scenario - breakeven.

Here’s the math:

Let’s imagine you have a $60 average order value, are spending $3k per day, and are currently getting a $30 cost per purchase.

This means that you are generating 100 purchases per day.

In order to make your money back on this product, you need to make ONE extra sale, ONE time. 

That is a 1% performance increase on a single day. That should be a piece of cake :)

Looking at it in a different way:

If by using our testing framework, you are able to reduce your cost per acquisition by just 6.67% to $28, you will pay for this framework in 25 orders… so probably by the time you eat lunch on the first day :)

That means on $3k spend per day, you'll be getting 7 extra orders per day, even before scaling. 

That's 210 orders per month. Over the course of two months, you'll have generated an extra $25.2k in revenue. Not bad for a $49 investment :).

Again, many of our clients are able to reduce their CPA by 10%, 20%, or more.

But I want to give you conservative numbers to work with here.

An Invitation for any Entrepreneur Reading:

$122 In Guarantees

$784 In Team Time

= $906 In Value JUST To Try This Out

Which means you can test it out…

Then decide later. You don’t need to fully make up your mind now because this is everything you can comfortably rely on, with full peace of mind.

(P.S. - It’s just 13 cents a day. Tax deductible 💪)

The questions & the answers

 $29 seems way too low, why is it so cheap?

We want you to get such good results that it creates new problems in your business…

Problems that we can help you solve. Let’s be clear - we are marketers, you are most likely a marketer. So we can cut the BS :).

We are willing to lose money to acquire you as a customer, try our products out, and then ideally you love them so much that you want to work with us more closely.

 Why should I trust you guys?

Fair question. There are a lot of snake oil salesmen in the industry, unfortunately.

So, here goes: most people selling Facebook Ads education/services don’t spend their own money on ads. They haven’t worked with hundreds of clients and driven over $100 million in client revenue.

Ultimately, it’s our job to show you as much proof as possible, and to take away as much of your risk as possible.

Review our testimonials, results, our free content, and see if it makes sense.

On top of that, we have a lifetime guarantee on our products. If you’re unhappy with the content, All you need to do is email us with one word "refund", no questions asked, and you will receive your money back within 7 days.

 How is the content delivered?

You will get your own login to a training portal that contains the video modules, downloadable content, and bonuses, available immediately after you purchase!

 Is this a course?

Not really. Courses (especially Facebook Ads courses) go out of date extremely quickly.

Strategy never goes out of date.

However, in this training, we include both the strategy/theory behind testing so that you can apply it to your business forever (and even different ad platforms - the logic is the same), and in-the-weeds implementation and execution so that you’re not guessing.

You will know exactly how to implement and what action steps to take. The last thing we want is for you to have information-overload and then not implement anything

 Who is this for?

Any membership business, digital product creator, or service provider that wants to bulletproof their testing process.

This training was built for our internal clients, who collectively spend more than $3 million per month, some individually spending $500k per month by themselves.

But, companies spending $300 or more per day can effectively leverage the strategies - and oftentimes can see faster results (think of it like newbie gains).

Let’s be very clear - having an amazing product/offer is the most important thing when advertising. Without that, no amount of advertising will help. If you don’t have a product, do not buy this right now.

 Will this show me how to start advertising from scratch?


This training assumes that you are able to navigate around Ads Manager, publish ads, and have a relatively good understanding of Facebook Advertising.

You don’t have to be an expert, but if you’ve never published an ad, this isn’t for you.

 Will this work for me?

Unless you buy it and do absolutely nothing, almost certainly yes.

The main problem with educational products like this is that the majority of people don’t implement.

But that’s fine - we take the risk with that, which is why we have a LIFETIME guarantee.

 What industries does this work for?

Any industry/niche really. The process and strategy is most important. The nitty-gritty matters, of course, but the real value is in the strategy. When you have a proper testing framework for one brand, you can multiply across any number of industries.

We’ve worked with clients in supplements, food and beverage, pet products, skincare, haircare, fashion, high-ticket coaching programs, courses, and more.

 What if I don’t like it and want my money back?

No problem whatsoever.

All you have to do is send us an email at: [email protected] or give us a call at: (724)-201-3610.

Our lifetime guarantee means that we’ll just give you your money back, no questions asked (we may ask for some feedback to improve the product though)

 What if I still have questions?

Email us at: [email protected] or give us a call at: (724)-201-3610.

So what does this mean?

It all means winning at Top of Funnel, finally being competitive on the advertising platform, and the unbeatable feeling your brand has momentum, growth, and MORE to give you...


Not for everyone. In fact, as CPMs rise, margins shrink, and competition further increases…

Some may close up shop. Some may sit and accept it. 



This is super important. And my job isn’t to make your risk tolerance better, or stronger, or with more perseverance. 

Nope, it’s just to make it easy to get started. So allow me to do that…

Let’s Make This Win/Win 📈 For You

Risk is defined right?

You can measure it in some way. It’s calculable. Or it’s a series of thoughts/feelings you can sum together. 

That is the exact opposite of uncertainty. 

Uncertainty is where you know absolutely nothing about the situation. We can’t calculate, sum, or deal with anything. We’re totally in the dark, fumbling about. 

At this point, you should see that you face UNCERTAINTY with the future of your ad account, or even business. 

It’s a pray and hope situation 🙏

And I’ve offered you a solution by joining the Scaling Academy™. BUT I’m asking for $29 for it. 

(As marketers, we all know anything that’s not free is pretty tough to buy). 

The difference?

Scaling Academy™ is a risk-based decision that you have total control over. 

  • It’s triple-guaranteed. 
  • It’s 13 cents a day over this year
  • That’s tax deductible
  • There’s a lifetime guarantee on that $29
  • There’s a 2.5x return with that - meaning I’ll pay you $122 to test this out
  • ​You receive a complementary audit - worth $784 in calculated team time
  • We’ve worked with many 7-9 figure brands
  • Spent 35+ mill testing and analyzing every dollar and decision

And all that’s yours, with the promise that THIS helps you scale and become competitive. 

That’s a risk-based decision. 

And hopefully you can see I’m reducing it to next to nothing for you. 

So what’s riskier?

Sitting there and waiting in uncertainty?

Or testing out an end-to-end methodology that pays you in case you’re not happy?

So there’s risk here. But it’s practically, absolutely nothing. 

  • Take that your Q2 Certification code.
  • Click ANY green button on this page.
  • ​Wield your $200 discount.
  • ​Go forth, and profit. 

You can start getting in control of your account - and becoming competitive again -- in the next 34 seconds. Just click below today. 


The 4080 Team

aka Ethan, Ben, Colin, Opey, Boruch, and Leib

P.S. – Skipped to the bottom to skim? Here’s everything in 108 words…

Scaling Academy™ invites frustrated ad buyers, entrepreneurs, store owners and info product creators into the inner circle of account GROWTH and SCALE. 

There is $396 of value here on offer today. YET...

There is TRIPLE assurance on this page - so this purchase is totally win/win. With a full lifetime to use these processes, alongside the investment of everything being slashed by 80%. 

That’s right. 

80% off, with three bonuses, an account audit, and three guarantees backing this up. 

It’s win/win. A lifetime to decide, 2.5x Money Back assurance if this process doesn’t produce profitable results, and we’ll even jump on the phone and fix the process.


The questions & the answers

 $49 seems way too low, why is it so cheap?

We want you to get such good results that it creates new problems in your business…

Problems that we can help you solve. Let’s be clear - we are marketers, you are most likely a marketer. So we can cut the BS :).

We are willing to lose money to acquire you as a customer, try our products out, and then ideally you love them so much that you want to work with us more closely.

 Why should I trust you guys?

Fair question. There are a lot of snake oil salesmen in the industry, unfortunately.

So, here goes: most people selling Facebook Ads education/services don’t spend their own money on ads. They haven’t worked with hundreds of clients and driven over $100 million in client revenue.

Ultimately, it’s our job to show you as much proof as possible, and to take away as much of your risk as possible.

Review our testimonials, results, our free content, and see if it makes sense.

On top of that, we have a lifetime guarantee on our products. If you’re unhappy with the content, All you need to do is email us with one word "refund", no questions asked, and you will receive your money back within 7 days.

 How is the content delivered?

You will get your own login to a training portal that contains the video modules, downloadable content, and bonuses, available immediately after you purchase!

 Is this a course?

Not really. Courses (especially Facebook Ads courses) go out of date extremely quickly.

Strategy never goes out of date.

However, in this training, we include both the strategy/theory behind testing so that you can apply it to your business forever (and even different ad platforms - the logic is the same), and in-the-weeds implementation and execution so that you’re not guessing.

You will know exactly how to implement and what action steps to take. The last thing we want is for you to have information-overload and then not implement anything

 Who is this for?

Any e-commerce brand, digital product creator, or service provider that wants to bulletproof their testing process.

This training was built for our internal clients, who collectively spend more than $3 million per month, some individually spending $500k per month by themselves.

But, companies spending $300 or more per day can effectively leverage the strategies - and oftentimes can see faster results (think of it like newbie gains).

Let’s be very clear - having an amazing product/offer is the most important thing when advertising. Without that, no amount of advertising will help. If you don’t have a product, do not buy this right now.

 Will this show me how to start advertising from scratch?


This training assumes that you are able to navigate around Ads Manager, publish ads, and have a relatively good understanding of Facebook Advertising.

You don’t have to be an expert, but if you’ve never published an ad, this isn’t for you.

 Will this work for me?

Unless you buy it and do absolutely nothing, almost certainly yes.

The main problem with educational products like this is that the majority of people don’t implement.

But that’s fine - we take the risk with that, which is why we have a LIFETIME guarantee.

 What industries does this work for?

Any industry/niche really. The process and strategy is most important. The nitty-gritty matters, of course, but the real value is in the strategy. When you have a proper testing framework for one brand, you can multiply across any number of industries.

We’ve worked with clients in supplements, food and beverage, pet products, skincare, haircare, fashion, high-ticket coaching programs, courses, and more.

 What if I don’t like it and want my money back?

No problem whatsoever.

All you have to do is send us an email at: [email protected] or give us a call at: (724)-201-3610.

Our lifetime guarantee means that we’ll just give you your money back, no questions asked (we may ask for some feedback to improve the product though)

 What if I still have questions?

Email us at: [email protected] or give us a call at: (724)-201-3610.
You're protected by our lifetime no-risk 100% money-back guarantee
We are so sure that you are going to love this product, we want you to try it with full confidence. And we can't wait to see the results you get by implementing!

As soon as you purchase, you'll receive access instantly... and with zero risk. If you don't like it, we'll just give you your money back.

Either you’re completely thrilled, or you can simply send us an email at: [email protected] and we’ll give you a full refund — no questions asked, and you will receive your money back within 7 days.

This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. 

Please understand these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. 

All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PACKAGE.