About 4080 Marketing:

  • ​We've personally worked hand-in-hand with over 400 clients to help them scale their Facebook Ads
  • ​​We consult with over $30 million per year in ad spend
  • ​​Have directly generated over $100 million in client revenue
  • ​We are at the Preferred level of Facebook Ads Partners
  • ​Have worked with clients that have been featured on Shark Tank, Harvard Business Review, Allure, Forbes, and more

How we can GUARANTEE you ROI on the purchase of this product.

Most of our clients that use our testing framework generate hundreds of times ROI on their investment, but let’s go through the worst case scenario - breakeven.

Here’s the math:

Let’s imagine you have a $60 average order value, are spending $3k per day, and are currently getting a $30 cost per purchase.

This means that you are generating 100 purchases per day.

In order to make your money back on this product, you need to make ONE extra sale, ONE time. 

That is a 1% performance increase on a single day. That should be a piece of cake :)

Looking at it in a different way:

If by using our testing framework, you are able to reduce your cost per acquisition by just 6.67% to $28, you will pay for this framework in 25 orders… so probably by the time you eat lunch on the first day :)

That means on $3k spend per day, you'll be getting 7 extra orders per day, even before scaling. 

That's 210 orders per month. Over the course of two months, you'll have generated an extra $25.2k in revenue. Not bad for a $49 investment :).

Again, many of our clients are able to reduce their CPA by 10%, 20%, or more.

But I want to give you conservative numbers to work with here.

The questions & the answers

 $49 seems way too low, why is it so cheap?

We want you to get such good results that it creates new problems in your business…

Problems that we can help you solve. Let’s be clear - we are marketers, you are most likely a marketer. So we can cut the BS :).

We are willing to lose money to acquire you as a customer, try our products out, and then ideally you love them so much that you want to work with us more closely.

 Why should I trust you guys?

Fair question. There are a lot of snake oil salesmen in the industry, unfortunately.

So, here goes: most people selling Facebook Ads education/services don’t spend their own money on ads. They haven’t worked with hundreds of clients and driven over $100 million in client revenue.

Ultimately, it’s our job to show you as much proof as possible, and to take away as much of your risk as possible.

Review our testimonials, results, our free content, and see if it makes sense.

On top of that, we have a lifetime guarantee on our products. If you’re unhappy with the content, All you need to do is email us with one word "refund", no questions asked, and you will receive your money back within 7 days.

 How is the content delivered?

You will get your own login to a training portal that contains the video modules, downloadable content, and bonuses, available immediately after you purchase!

 Is this a course?

Not really. Courses (especially Facebook Ads courses) go out of date extremely quickly.

Strategy never goes out of date.

However, in this training, we include both the strategy/theory behind testing so that you can apply it to your business forever (and even different ad platforms - the logic is the same), and in-the-weeds implementation and execution so that you’re not guessing.

You will know exactly how to implement and what action steps to take. The last thing we want is for you to have information-overload and then not implement anything

 Who is this for?

Any e-commerce brand, digital product creator, or service provider that wants to bulletproof their testing process.

This training was built for our internal clients, who collectively spend more than $3 million per month, some individually spending $500k per month by themselves.

But, companies spending $300 or more per day can effectively leverage the strategies - and oftentimes can see faster results (think of it like newbie gains).

Let’s be very clear - having an amazing product/offer is the most important thing when advertising. Without that, no amount of advertising will help. If you don’t have a product, do not buy this right now.

 Will this show me how to start advertising from scratch?


This training assumes that you are able to navigate around Ads Manager, publish ads, and have a relatively good understanding of Facebook Advertising.

You don’t have to be an expert, but if you’ve never published an ad, this isn’t for you.

 Will this work for me?

Unless you buy it and do absolutely nothing, almost certainly yes.

The main problem with educational products like this is that the majority of people don’t implement.

But that’s fine - we take the risk with that, which is why we have a LIFETIME guarantee.

 What industries does this work for?

Any industry/niche really. The process and strategy is most important. The nitty-gritty matters, of course, but the real value is in the strategy. When you have a proper testing framework for one brand, you can multiply across any number of industries.

We’ve worked with clients in supplements, food and beverage, pet products, skincare, haircare, fashion, high-ticket coaching programs, courses, and more.

 What if I don’t like it and want my money back?

No problem whatsoever.

All you have to do is send us an email at: [email protected] or give us a call at: (724)-201-3610.

Our lifetime guarantee means that we’ll just give you your money back, no questions asked (we may ask for some feedback to improve the product though)

 What if I still have questions?

Email us at: [email protected] or give us a call at: (724)-201-3610.
You're protected by our lifetime no-risk 100% money-back guarantee
We are so sure that you are going to love this product, we want you to try it with full confidence. And we can't wait to see the results you get by implementing!

As soon as you purchase, you'll receive access instantly... and with zero risk. If you don't like it, we'll just give you your money back.

Either you’re completely thrilled, or you can simply send us an email at: [email protected] and we’ll give you a full refund — no questions asked, and you will receive your money back within 7 days.

Early Bird Special: Get CROW for $39  ($49)  for the first 39 customers. Price will increase after!

New Year Sale Ends In…

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

New Year Sale Ends In…

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

This Simple CRO Framework Will Increase Your Conversions by 10%-30% This Summer, Without Having to Touch Your Ad Account

No more ad spend required. No 98 page “BS checklists,” easily identify quick wins and tests that bring you profits, and find “incremental revenue” that falls into your hands. Welcome to profits without *needing* to scale on ads 🤝

A note from the author —

A note from the author —

I’m actually a little embarrassed how long it took me to realize the importance of this concept. What you’re about to discover here is a revolution to the old “conversion rate optimization” trite that no longer holds true for you. So I’m embarrassed how long this took to come to light, and how long I took to produce this. Therefore, it’s aggressively discounted for you, but not for long. Hopefully you can use one of my THREE guarantees (yes, three, 3) and start collecting the revenues to profits that are hidden Right. Under. Your. Nose. 
I’m actually a little embarrassed how long it took me to realize the importance of this concept. What you’re about to discover here is a revolution to the old “conversion rate optimization” trite that no longer holds true for you. So I’m embarrassed how long this took to come to light, and how long I took to produce this. Therefore, it’s aggressively discounted for you, but not for long. Hopefully you can use one of my THREE guarantees (yes, three, 3) and start collecting the revenues to profits that are hidden Right. Under. Your. Nose. 

Dear Profit Hound,

What if I told you there were a small collective of membership businesses lapping up new, extra, easy profits. 

And they’re doing that while spending less on ads each month, and barely adding any new organic visitors. 

Not through email. 
(definitely) Not through SEO…
And NO extra ad budget required!

So if you’d like to raise your profitability whether you decide to pull back on ad spend, maintain it with more profits, or hit the scale button…

… then please read on. Because you’ll love the fact I will literally pay you to win by split testing your way to success. 

That’s a simple process for revenue-focused split tests that take less than 20-30 minutes to execute, and add revenue that keeps on giving whether you keep ad spend static OR increase budget. 

And if you’re wondering this is something weird, exotic, or esoteric – it’s actually something you know with a slight lil’ twist. And here’s who’s taking advantage of it…

Plus right here, you’ll access it at a discount for a ridiculously low price…

And how I’ve placed 3 guarantees behind your success, which could see me pay you up to $245 (a near 500% return for you) - just for your time today. And in that exact same time…
You could produce a $19.5K revenue bump, that’s projected 90 day revenue intake sits at over $59K (CAD for this brand)!

If that sounds like something you’re interested in trying, you can go ahead and pick up this CRO training right now. My guarantees assure you’re completely covered. 

However you can also read on as I walk you through the traditional process, our new modified process, how to use our “inside out testing” method to generate “sticky revenue”...

And why this simple process could return MORE than ads, without the excessive spend each month. 

So take just 5 minutes here today, and let’s dive in together. Because in that time frame, you could soon walk away with everything you need to make COMPOUND jumps in your business. 

To do it, we’ve got to start right from the beginning and answer the age-old advertising problem…

Why Your Ads Perform like Bull 💩, and 
What You Can *FINALLY* Do About it…

Why Your Ads Perform like Bull 💩, and What You Can *FINALLY* Do About it…

Yes, your ads are important. But we’re about to talk about 
“2D” Conversions here, so strap in…

Let’s get this straight… here’s where your customers come from:

How to “make” customers out of thin air =

Total Conversion

Total Visitors

Now most of us are focused on the “total visitors” component…

AKA spending more based on how the business currently works. But none of us are truly split testing how to make that traffic work better. Because if you…

Increased your conversion by 17%

Increased the take rate of your recurring offer by 8%

And lowered your click cost by 15%...

You would be fast on the way to increasing your revenue by more than 50% - with no extra spend. 

And honestly, that’s just the surface level of how this compounds for you, because we’re about to go WAY deeper. 


By JUST driving more ad spend to your site and PDPs, you’re missing out on at least HALF of the equation. Not only is it one of the easiest/fastest to adjust. It’s sitting right in front of you…

Sacred Cows 🐄 Slain x1 → It’s DEFINITELY NOT What You Think It is

(Seriously, nobody does this, & you should 100% read this paragraph)

By now you may have an inclination to what we’re talking about. 

It’s CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization)... but absolutely not in the way you know it. 

Reality is, the things I’ll list here AREN’T making you $, and you shouldn’t give TWO 💩s about them:
  • Making *everything* shorter
  • Small design changes on your pages…
  • Adding an “S” to all your headline verbs (srs)!
  • ​Button color changes from “red to orange” 🧐🤔🙄
  • Changing words: Removing “adverbs” + “however” + “submit” - even “free”


Because doing this is like missing the forest for a clump of grass in front of you.


*BIG SHIFT*: It’s not JUST about the conversion, it’s about hunting after revenue drivers. 

Now that’s ONE sacred cow slain. But in order to pump your revenue without the extra ad spend, make it hit the bottomline hard, and continue to grow as you bring visitors to the funnel…

We need to slay more cows. 

Because what we’ve just covered is a “1 Dimension” conversion shift. We’re about to take it up TWO more levels here. 

Because this isn’t even CrO. Nor conversion revenue optimization. You’re about to discover conversion revenue optimization in “3D.”

Sacred Cows 🐄 Slain x2 → Split 
Test for REVENUE

(Welcome to Conversion Revenue Optimization “3D”… 
and your newest first mover advantage👇)

THIS is the element I need you to know about outside of paid acquisition.

Because it works by going BEYOND just the split-test, BEYOND just the conversions, and looking at where you can drive revenue up with a handful of quick tests. 

We use a simple process to find the revenue. We call it “inside out” testing. 

All we do is start at the END of the customer journey where the revenue intake is higher. You probably get this, but…

The revenue you make with a great customer is a lot like the cookie crumb trail led by Hansel and Gretel through the forest. 

It’s not much at the start. But the more they spend time with you through the funnel, that’s where the revenue is added. 

We start THERE and work backwards with simple, smart tests. Like this one…
… which JUST produced $14.3K in fresh incremental revenue from one split test, and gives us a 90 day incremental revenue shift of $43K. 

But most of us do it the other way around, right? Because those button color changes, new font choice, or navigation bar tests won’t do this.

And once you discover where your chokepoint is blocking revenue, you make a simple test, and watch a few days later to see it lifted. In fact…

Let’s WATCH the revenue grow before your 
own very beautiful eyes

Let’s say you have a conversion rate right now of 3.2%, a cart value or average order value (AOV) of $50 flat, and 10,000 visitors (multiply by 10 for larger traffic). When you leave this STATIC and test ONE element, here’s what happens:
💩 Conversion Rate Optimization 💩: Increase from 3.2% to 3.3% by “changing a button”...
10,000 * .033 * 50 = $16,500
Author’s note: Not bad, but big whoop. That’s all she wrote folks.
🙄 Conversion Rate Optimization 🙄 : Increase from 3.2% to 4% by “changing your headline”...
10,000 * .04 * 50 = $20,000
Author’s note: Better. And headlines can definitely do this… BUT let’s go DEEPER.
👍 Conversion Revenue Optimization 👍 : Now increase your AOV by 10% (easily done)...
10,000 * .04 * 55 = $22,000
Author’s note: Now we’re moving. This is a $5.5K difference for genuinely next to nothing. JUST by hunting for revenue tests to make.
🤯 Conversion Revenue Optimization 3.0 🤯 :
Ah, nope. You gotta wait for it, because it’s so juicy. Allow me to show you how…

Sacred Cows 🐄 Slain x3 → 💩 Tests and
GREAT Tests.

(Think like a “CRO 3.0 investor”. Profit like a hedge fund)

The reason I believe CRO 3.0 will be so profitable for you to implement is the compound effect of it all. By now you’ve discovered…
1.   That CRO is actually conversion revenue optimization
2.   Yes you should (only) chase revenue when making split tests
3.   Therefore that button color or page color… it really means 💩
4.   Your BIGGEST shifts will come LATE in the customer journey (aka “down the funnel”)

And now we arrive at the true point of why you’re here, which is CRO 3.0. Which states…

5.   Make 4-5 great tests, and watch your incremental revenue (and top + bottom line profits) scale regardless whether you increase ad spend, or cut back.

So what does that look like?
👍 Conversion Revenue Optimization 👍 : Now increase your AOV by 10% (easily done)...
“TEST 1” → 10,000 * .04 * 55 = $20,000
Author’s note: We already saw this one.
🤯 Conversion Revenue Optimization 3.0 🤯 :
“TEST 2” → 10,000 * 0.45 * 58 = $26,100

“TEST 3” → 18,000 * 0.46 * 60 = $49,680

“TEST 4” → 22,000 * .048 * 64 = $67,584
Author’s note: By test 3, we start increasing traffic and making backwards tests for revenue. Just watch the revenue fly when it’s compounded together.

The difference between what you know and what you could earn is MASSIVE and EASY

And whether you want to increase your budget after your tests easily earn you more revenue per session is up to you. Yet the thing is…

This is simple to do.

Using our “inside-out” system in the funnel, and finding the chokepoint, you’ll know what to change. Honestly, there is NO guessing because you’re directed like a heat seeking missile on…

“Where. Is. The. Revenue?”

And once you find it… my WORD is it sticky. It just lasts, no matter how much traffic you do or don’t throw at it. 

This is why if you’ve tried CRO before, discounted it, or thought it wasn’t worth the time… I hear you. The reality is most systems or products on the market are…



→ Of which 95% of your moves are SMALL fry tests, and not connected to compound revenue…
→ Of which 95% of your moves are SMALL fry tests, and not connected to compound revenue…



→ Often quick fixes, small fry tests, and lack the personalization you know about your business…
→ Often quick fixes, small fry tests, and lack the personalization you know about your business…

CRO 1.0 🤢 

CRO 1.0 🤢 

→ It’s not connected to revenue, incremental revenue, and exists solely to find random small conversion bumps “here and there”
→ It’s not connected to revenue, incremental revenue, and exists solely to find random small conversion bumps “here and there”
THAT’s why I’m convinced utilizing CRO 3.0 will work wonders for you today. Like this simple before and after that used this exact system to add $7.6K of extra fresh incremental revenue.
And ya know what? It’s not hard to implement. In fact, I’ve laid out the entire process for you over the shoulder, so anyone with the tiniest marketing inclination could grow the topline.

Unlike (Paid) Ads (or CRO), Conversion Revenue Optimization 3.0 Does
Two Things:

Unlike (Paid) Ads (or CRO), Conversion Revenue Optimization 3.0 Does Two Things:


Doesn’t just work well for 3 days, then 💩 the bed the very next day


Provides lasting, compound revenue improvement that grows over time

So what you’re about to discover here goes far beyond the traditional “CRO” logic. 

It’s a brand new spin, on an old worn out concept that’s sadly still peddled to you. 

It’s the EXACT opposite of advertising. Unfortunately you can’t just spend your way out of a problem with this strategy. Fortunately, it’s profitable fast, and costs you nothing!

Plus, this is do-able by near anyone with a handful of hours spare. And what’s not to love about spending a small amount of time, to collect continuous revenue improvements?

Double plus, this pairs with your existing ad budget, and even allows you to scale it back some if you’re worried about the rising cost of advertising, versus your traditional returns.

Triple plus, this works even if you’re not SEO-optimized or seeing increased organic traction right now. 

Quadruple plus, put away the textbooks, statistical theory, and wannabe-Ph.Ds. The simple course you’re about to enter at no risk makes implementing profitable tests EASY, interpreting them SIMPLE, and improving it all like child’s play. 

Again, child’s play would be even more fun if it came with profits, right? Now it’s finally possible. 


CRO 3.0 Workshop™

Welcome to compound revenue shifts unlike anything else you’ve experienced before. 

Welcome to the ability to keep your ad spend static, and STILL see growing revenue numbers month, over month. 

Welcome to the ability to spend 15-20 minutes running a series of revenue-focused split tests…

And see some losers (a great thing btw), and a handful of winners that totally pile fat levels of revenue that last. 

Not just some flash in the pan bump you’re used to seeing from ads or a launch promotion. 

We’re talking about lasting, “sticky revenue” that works tomorrow, and works just the same whether you stuff more ad spend at it. 

Oh, and the more you keep running simple little tests at it… the more it grows. 

If you’re here, and reading this… you should accept nothing less than CRO 3.0 Workshop™. Because these CEO’s and store owners didn’t either… 

Ryan Kelly

Owner, Piano by Pictures Academy

After working with 4080 for the past year on CRO, we’ve gone from $18,000 MRR to $175,000 MRR, and I’ve been able to scale ad spend from $1500/day to $8000/day.

Ryan Kelly

Owner, Piano by Pictures Academy

After working with 4080 for the past year on CRO, we’ve gone from $18,000 MRR to $175,000 MRR, and I’ve been able to scale ad spend from $1500/day to $8000/day.

Michael Clark

Owner, The Flower Letters

Working with 4080 Marketing has been a game changer, and our conversion rate has only gone up year over year.

Michael Clark

Owner, The Flower Letters

Working with 4080 Marketing has been a game changer, and our conversion rate has only gone up year over year.

Just $.13 cents/day (.94 cents/week!) this year to split test your way to sticky revenue...

Because soon you’re set up to track, monitor, and watch as simple conversion tweaks from headlines, messaging, and product-offerings rapidly lift your take-rate. 

Then you can stack AOV shifts through the funnel… like bundles, price-stacking, and commitment-messaging to raise your order values. 

Pair these two components together and watch your revenue soar, allowing you to recycle it to ad spend and bring more visitors through these hot-rodded pages. 

And soon you’ll make rapid incremental revenue increases like…
A simple home page test that lifted $15K monthly incremental revenue (before any extra ad-spend was directed at the site!). Or…
An above the fold home page test anyone can make using existing creative… which added $10-15K new monthly incremental revenue. 

Through your funnels, whether it’s the – homepage, product page, cart page, upsell page, WHOLE funnel – is now available right at your fingertips…

For a low-cost investment that should genuinely be a coaching mastermind. But I’m gonna save you a whole bunch right here. 

Because there’s an active discount ON this page, this program, and this offer right here today only. So let’s jump in deeper…

Everything You Now Own For 

Module 1 - Split-Test Setup Bootcamp

→ (RRP): $25 Summer Offer

  • Your split-testing tech setup, and why it’s much simpler than you think
  • How to perform split-tests without hiring a developer or designer (and what to look for if you do want to hire)
  • How to be a loser (and why in split testing… that’s a good thing)
  • ​How to lose fast, smart, and cheap - to find your way to the BIG win
  • ​Split testing controls traffic Q _ _ _ _ T _ → aka something you seriously need when it comes to boosting your tests with paid traffic

Module 2 - Intro to Split-Testing & Conversion Revenue Optimization

→ (RRP): $79

  • The behaviors I’m looking for in a heat map to find the money
  • 5 types of product you can immediately add to your upsells (hint: only one is a “subscription - the other 4 are *golden*)
  • The weird little proof elements you need to embed on your check out pages asap
  • ​The best upsells are just more of the “s____” - understand the psychology behind this, or get out of marketing
  • ​Find the choke point, find the revenue. We’ll show you the high-level overview of where we know your choke points are (and where you shouldn’t even bother to look)

Module 3 - Test Planning and Test Design

→ (RRP): $59

  • How to run a full-site audit with Google Analytics to find your lowest hanging fruit
  • What great upsell flow looks like, and what 💩 upsells stink like
  • 90 day planning guide – strategic scale bottlenecks – and predictive revenue planners (use this to arm your team or yourself)
  • ​The perfect, fast, and easy split test set-up and tracking system (prob worth the lowest cost entry investment alone here)
  • ​How to write, even if you’re not a writer. And how to persuade, even if you don’t write copy

Module 4 - Testing 101

→ (RRP): $79

  • The banner tests you can run asap (easy lifts)
  • Upsells that straight CRUSH (& the bumps you think work – but don’t – and *need* to avoid)
  • Hooks that you can apply deep down the funnel
  • ​How to spice up even the most standard product display age — quickly and easily — to get a branded lift that you can apply right down the funnel
  • ​A library of winning split-tests from our 7 and 8 figure membership businesses
  • ​Little shifts on your check out carts that can and will significantly bump revenue, take verrrry little time to execute, and easily help you compound your tests to incremental revenue
  • ​Copy, creative, and design frameworks for you to plug-and-play with your brand
  • ​Homepage tests you need to make now (more traffic, more eyeballs, more conversions, more revenue, more upsell AOV… do it!)
  • ​PDP bonus points you can implement fast — or have a designer re-do for maximum effect — choose which today

Module 5 - Test Analytics

→ (RRP): $69

  • VISIBILITY: How to let simple numbers show you the path to revenue
  • Exactly when I’d kill a test, or let it run - even when it looks like it’s *not* going to win
  • What statistical significance in a test looks like - even on low session numbers or site visits
  • ​Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly win guide, planners, and strategy overview
  • ​72 hour v 7 day theory (not nerdy, and a must know for ALL forms of testing)
  • ​What a retest looks like, and how to improve revenue on an already winning test

Total Training Value:


Active Discount Applied on page. See details below.

Can I put $325 of CRO 3.0. trainings 
in your pocket… and $245 of guarantees on the line that this works?

You will not find this elsewhere → You will not find anyone teaching this → You will not find the return from your time better → You won’t find a marketing strategy that compounds better.

That’s my promise if you just install incremental revenue channels into your funnels. 

And it’s funny because I COULD make this into some sort of coaching program for membership businesses. But I’m not. 

The information here is easily digestible, easily achievable for you or your team, and it’s shocking, disgracefully affordable. 

So no 5-figure masterminds with a 6-figure backend upsell. 

If you add everything you see above together, here’s the total you might pay…


(And yep that’s before bonuses 😉)

But today, using your active discount on this page until the timer runs out, you’re not going to pay anything remotely near that. 

Not $325 → Not $200 → Not even $100.

I’ll cut right to the chase, the price is low, one-time-only, and extremely transparent. So…

Your very small investment in discovering a brand new revenue channel in your business, use simple little tests to compound profit, and start adding incremental revenue within days from now…

… is just $25 for our Summer Offer. 

Lock it in using the green button below now:

Total CRO 3.0.™ Package Value:  $325 

Discount Applied: $25 Summer Offer

Today's savings: $276

Mark Morrison

MMS Marketing

This was my 3rd CRO course, and it was far the best and most educational. It was well thought out and full of great content. In addition to the content, they provided valuable real life examples which were a real bonus to have. This will instantly make you better at conversion optimization regardless of whether you are a beginner or expert. I would have easily paid 10x more than the price.

CRO Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop™ Value:

Actual Value:

$25 over one month → $0.83
$325 / month = $27.08
$25 over one month → $0.83
$325 / month = $27.08
$25 over 52 weeks → $0.48
$325 / 52 weeks = $6.25
$25 over 52 weeks → $0.48
$325 / 52 weeks = $6.25
$25 over 365 days → $0.06
$325 / year = $0.89
$25 over 365 days → $0.06
$325 / year = $0.89
Run the numbers on it. Go ahead and pull out that old calculator on your iPhone…
$49 / 30 Days = $1.63 a day to try it out this month.

$49 / 52 Weeks = $.94 cents to try it out per week. 

$49 / 365 = $.13 cents a day to try it out this year. 

And when you see the guarantees I’m placing on this, it’s impossible NOT to try CRO 3.0.

(Part One ( 1/3 ) of THREE Guarantees)

Your *Lifetime* Unconditional,
Iron-Clad, 100% Guarantee

(Lasts the lifetime of your business or your investment back in full)

Firstly, in the unlikely event you’re not in love with the results after your first series of tests, or your last series of tests…

For any time over the lifetime of your marketing campaigns, your career, your businesses… you can use this guarantee. 

Just send in an email to [email protected], tell me you want the refund on Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop and you’ll receive your full investment back promptly. That’s lifetime. 

Ultimately that allows you to test this out. Or simply “trial” your way to profits.

Because I’m THAT certain that Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop helps you find and grow your revenue through simple little split-tests… 

That I’m willing to guarantee that you’ll spend a measly little $25 bucks here, and through the next various years of you running simple little split tests…

You will recoup this back UNTOLD times over. BUT I’m not quite done there. 

(Part Two ( 2/3 ) of THREE Guarantees)

Your 2x “I Will Pay You” Guarantee: Find STRONG Split Testable Winners From Conversion Revenue

Optimization Workshop™ or I’ll Pay You 2x – $98 just for implementing

Again in the extremely unlikely event that you’re armed with everything you see here, you test them, and DON’T find they increase your revenue without ANY extra spend at all…

Yep, I’ll pay you to try them. They must help you grow or you don’t pay. So here’s the dealio. 
Over a FULL year, just show me HOW you applied the split tests. Show me:

At least 5 tests you made

The exact results from each test

That you watched our module trainings

And when I see these, and you legitimately have not WON and increased your revenue using Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop, then I’ll pay you 2x back. 

That’s: $49 * 2 = $89 dollars. And not only that…

Did I mention, we’re adding 2 full bonuses to your low-cost Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop™ investment today:

(FAST ACTION) Bonus #1

(FAST ACTION) Bonus #1

(RRP): $99 → FREE

(RRP): $99 → FREE

Bonus Module - Iterative Testing and the Big Picture

  • How to plan “BHATG” (big, hairy, audacious, testing goals)
  • How, where, and when to use smart tests to SCALE your ad budgets
  • What to do after you’ve gotten a big win…
  • ​The Testing Paradox: When is it worth it to keep testing – and when should you stop?
  • ​Why losing a test is the BEST thing you can ever do
  • ​Where you can use testing to set new budgets, raise spend, and still maximize profits
  • ​Long term thinking around organic, high quality business growth

Active Bonus #2 → Full Copywriting Training

Active Bonus #2 → Full Copywriting Training

(RRP): $129 → FREE

(RRP): $129 → FREE

(Normally only our clients access this - we *don’t* sell this)

(Normally only our clients access this - we *don’t* sell this)

Listen, there will come a time and a place when testing, when performing conversion revenue optimization that you’ll need to be a trained persuasion champion. 

Words matter, sure. But the strategy behind them is infinitely more important. 

So in this bonus training, I’m going to teach you everything I know about creating and planning great copy, that works RIGHT off the bat, for amazing split tests. Plus…

If we do this right together, you can apply this deep down your funnels. From the ad level, to the conversion level, to the sales level, to the upsell level, to the customer relationship level. 

That’s compounded profits from simple little words. 

And within the next few weeks from today, you will become infinitely more persuasive with copy, your headlines will POP, and your ideas and hooks will flow when you need them to. 

Oh, and as part of your Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop order today, it’s yours free. 
And in this case any of this feels difficult to implement?

Final: (Part Three ( 3/3 ) of THREE Guarantees)

Your 3x “I Will Pay You” Guarantee: Across 6 full months, you either find an incremental revenue winner, or I’ll pay you 3x - $147 for your time

Stay with Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop for 6 months worth of tests. Show me the work you did to try and find a real incremental revenue winner…

One that shows a significant return in conversions. 

You have 6 full months to hold this process to the test. Just show me:

The AOV test

The CVR focused test

At least one split-test on each

Show me that, and if you can’t find a winner, I will pay you 3x your investment for your time. 

That’s: $49 * 3 = $147 dollars. 

And brings the full total of what I could pay you just for testing Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop today to $245 flat. 

That’s a pretty good decision if you ask me. You either win with this and I pay you nothing because you’ve become your own organic money printer…

Or you make some split tests, this process doesn’t work for you, and I’ll pay you $245 for your time. 

So if for any reason at all you’re undecided, you don’t think this can match up to your ad ROI (it can and will), or you’re skeptical… don’t be. 

Put this to the test in every way imaginable. And it’s not just a case of getting your money back…

It’s a case that I will pay you to WIN. Plus it’s…

The easiest way to beat out your ad strategy, with over $553 in trainings here - which I’ll pay you to try

Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop Product Value: $325

Bonuses: $228

Total: $553

Guarantee cash applied: $245

Total for taking a chance on Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop:  $798 

Discounted Investment Today:

Just $25

Summer Offer!

So click the button below and within 2 minutes from now, you can own everything seen here today before your active discount expires:

Shelly Watts

CEO of Muirneen Equestrian

Whatever course 4080 offers, it will be 1100% worth it. They go above and beyond with their training and honestly don't charge enough for their expertise. Ethan is a literal genius, and he teaches complex topics in an authentic, holistic, and helpful manner. 4080 is training me to become a better business owner, thinker, and marketer.

Still Have More Questions? We Got You.

This seems too cheap, what’s the catch?

We want you to get such good results that it creates new problems in your business…

Problems that we can help you solve. Let’s be clear - we are marketers, you are most likely a marketer. So we can cut the BS :).

We are willing to lose money to acquire you as a customer, try our products out, and then ideally you love them so much that you want to work with us more closely.

What if I don’t like it and want my money back?

No problem whatsoever.

All you have to do is send us an email at: [email protected]

Our lifetime guarantee means that we’ll just give you your money back, no questions asked (we may ask for some feedback to improve the product though).

What if I’m on Shopify? (or ClickFunnels, or WooCommerce, or Magento, or…)

No problem. We are tech-stack agnostic. We don’t rely on any specific tools, instead, we focus on copywriting, marketing psychology, and design principles that work regardless of platform.

Seriously, does my tech stack matter?

I promise you it doesn’t. Everyone thinks that “if they just used that software, it would all work.”

The truth is it doesn’t matter. Different softwares have different pros and cons, but they all do the same thing.

We walk you through some recommendations in the training, but we’ve had customers and clients on every tech stack imaginable and it all works.

How much time do I need to spend on this?

Like most other things, what you put into it is what you get out of it.

That being said, split-testing your site doesn’t need to be a full-time job. Once you get through the training, 3-5 hours per week will be sufficient to get you results - though it will depend on the complexity of tests you want to run and who you have on your team helping out.

Do I need to hire a developer for this?

No! You don’t need one. You can perform

Again, the truth is that how well you know your market matters at least 5x more than your dev skills. We have customers who have run split tests for more than 6 months without using a developer once.

That being said, developers can make your life a lot easier and open up your testing flexibility.

You don’t need to spend a fortune either - there are a lot of very good developers who are very affordable to work with. We have training on how to find them.

I’m bad at design, will this work?

You may not know this but I (Ethan) and absolutely terrible at design. Like, comically bad. I can barely write my name legibly.

Similar to developers, you don’t need to be great at design, or to hire a designer. Again, of course it can help, but you absolutely do not need it to see great results.

What you say to your market is much more important than how pretty something looks. Also, in a lot of cases, the simpler the design, the better something converts.

If my business is below $250k per year, will this be useful?

Yep, and in general if you are below that mark, you probably have a lot more room to grow from optimizing your site.

At that revenue range, you can’t waste a single dollar in ad spend or a single visitor to your site. 

We’d argue that it’s actually more valuable for you because of the precarious nature at that revenue range.

I’ve never split-tested before, is that a problem?

Nope, it’s designed for those who have little to no experience split-testing. Because the truth is, out of all the brands we work with, none of them were properly split-testing before.

CRO is seen as a scary, confusing, and super technical. And while it can be, to get the 80-20 benefit, it isn’t.

That being said, if you don’t have a business, revenue, etc. you won’t be able to immediately apply the learnings from this.

My brand is past the 8 figure mark and we’ve split-tested before, will I get value out of this?

Absolutely. We’ve spoken with dozens of brands near or above the $10 million per year mark, and essentially none of them had been properly split-testing previously.

If you are at that size, you’ll be able to implement faster and see much faster results.

What if I have more questions?

Just email us at: [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!

Don’t Pay a Penny for Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop™ Until it Proves Your Latent Ability to Grow and Scale Your Business
(with or without Ads)

Remember: Just for trying Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop™ You could earn up to 5x back on your time just for implementing.

Hopefully you can see how utterly confident I am behind this process. Frankly I believe there is nothing out there like it. 

Sure, there are CRO guides. “Conversion rate optimization” of course…

Sure, there are templates, swipes, guides, checklists, and products coming out the wazoo. 

But none set up like this. 

None focused on the fast wins to bolster your profitability. 

None focused on the long-term dividend-focused returns that Conversion Revenue Optimization can truly feed your business.

Therefore this is the only process of its kind. And what I believe may be the only process that can actually guarantee you the growth you need to see by increasing your conversion power. 

It’s right here at your fingertips… backed by multiple guarantees so you win whatever way you’re starting today. 

So all that’s left to do is say “yes” and click the Green button below and add this to your order. 

Remember it’s just $25, until Ben and the team decide to raise the price. 

And until the timers end on this page, you also received [ BONUS #1 ] - worth $99 - free until this promotion ends. 

And the fact you can write this off over the next month alone for less than 2 bucks should bring you full peace of mind. 

My name is Ethan Bence, and this is me signing off, and hoping I’ll see you in your member’s portal within the next 2-3 minutes. 

Yours in conversions,


P.S. - Skipped to the bottom to skim? 

I See You 👀. And Well, I Support You 😛. 
Here’s Everything You Need In 225 Words!

Conversion Revenue Optimization Workshop is your NEXT ad-busting strategy that allows you to add new revenue, compound revenue, and incremental revenue with simple little split tests. 

These tests take 15-30 minutes to make, you can make multiple in different choke points of your business…

And all are designed to chase after REVENUE that’s blocked in your business. 

That’s the reason that split testing your button color or random words – don’t really matter. It’s also the reason checklists are more often pointless, and templates are a waste of time. 

Chase revenue, compound it in multiple places in your business, and GROW. 

And I am THAT confident in the process that I’ve placed $245 of cash on the line here in the form of 3 different guarantees. 

Guarantee #2 → 2x for $98 IF you implement
Guarantee #3 → 3x back for $147 - find true incremental revenue in 6 months for it 

Guarantee #1

→ Lifetime guarantee - love it or leave it for your minor investment back

Guarantee #2

→ 2x for $98 IF you implement

Guarantee #3

→ 3x back for $147 - find true incremental revenue in 6 months
for it 

With a total product value of over $325, an addition $228 in bonuses, bringing a total to $553 in real value. 

And with my cash guarantees on the line, that brings you to a total of $798 in value. 

All this for just $25 bucks - in a simple one payment. 

So use the skimmer button below, and start implementing incremental revenue in minutes. 

Mauricio Suarez

I've spent more than $60k on mentorship with membership business "gurus" but no one has taught me all of this. I can't believe what I paid for all the value in the course. It's a game changer to understand what I should test first and how I should test it. Thanks!
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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. 

Please understand these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. 

All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PACKAGE.